
Sunday 31 March 2013

I was grounded! :(

Hey... sorry I haven't posted in SUUUUUCH a long time! (ok not that long but whatever.)
I was (as i said in the title), grounded.
I only got to borrow my brother's laptop to go on Animal Jam for like 3 times, each session only like 2 minutes. :|

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Saturday 16 March 2013


HI! THERE WAS JUST AN EARTHQUAKE! It was like 3.2-3.9 magnitude or something, I don't know. Everyone felt it, my parents, my brother, my friends, blah blah. Search it up if you don't trust me, I'm in Auckland, New Zealand. It was like 4:05pm, 17/3/2013.

IM GOING TO DIE! AHHHHHHHHHHHH I don't want to! I know it wasn't a big earthquake but it was still scary!

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Wednesday 13 March 2013


Good morning! JOKES. it's the afternoon. :P

Ahh well let's see... I haven't posted in a few days OMG THATS SO BAD... sorray peeplz...
I was kinda like spending everyday hanging out with my friends... Well the good news is that I got to spend more time with my best friend because I haven't even called him on the phone for like a month before. Dats bad...

Anyway, I like bananas, BYE!
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Monday 4 March 2013


Hi again peeeoplz of ze almighty earth.
Yes I asked Sean, and he got an AJ account! congraaatulations. *shakes hand*
And yea ok from the title of this post u can probably tell that it's leNeon. His username is leNeon. and since I am amazing and have boss persuading skills, I got him to make a blog! I didnt force him so dont worry. He likes blogging and all that anyway, nerdy. well his blog is:

so follow him!!! :D
and also, buddy him on Animal Jam if you play it! He's completely new to it, so I'm gonna try get him a fox hat, since im such a nice person. I'll also tell him about some good blogs, so he can follow them. Anyone want me to tell him about their blogs? Comment your blog link! I'll also follow you if I havent already :) I'm so nice right? RIIIIGHT? xD
sorry, im hyper as always.

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Saturday 2 March 2013

Soffffft :3

There's this guy in my class called Jake, and his hair.. IT'S SOOO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOO SOOO SOOOOOOOO SO SO SOOOO SO SOFT! He should be like the new model for L'OrĂ©al! lol. lol I'm so funnay.

Annnd also, this other guy called Sean, who has this AMAZING british accent (which I envy, I moved out of England when I was 2 years old so I DON'T HAVE ONE ARRRGH), I told him about Animal Jam blah blah blah and he's gonna join! :D Velcome, to ze amazing vorld o' Animal Jam. lol. Im hyper today. Sooo yea Im not sure what his username is yet, its Monday tomorrow (AHH NOOO HELP TAKE COVER!!! AND SHEILD YOUR REESE CUPS, TIGGERKAT!) so theres school and I shall ask him then. Weell...

Random question:
Is there anyone you know (it could be yourself) who has AMAZING hair like Jakey?

And theres this thing I started with some friends, you make peoples names start with 'Z'! So for example, I would be 'Zoraine' (or Zainy. or zeartbeatz for my user, but thats just weird), Connor would be Zonnor, Jason would be Zason, Sarah would be Zarah, blah blah. But if your name is something like... Alice, then 'zlice' would be hard to say so you would be 'Zalice' instead. HAHAHAAAA its actually quite fun.

So, random question #2:
What would your name, or someone that you know's name, or your username, or your dog's name, or whatever, be, if it started with 'z'? :D

      , Zoraine

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