
Friday 21 December 2012


Hello! I got this new friend on Animal Jam and her username is... Poptropica921!
Yeah. And she's new to blogger! Isn't that cool? I remember when I first started blogging... like a month ago... xD HAHAHAHAHA
Yea. And since Poppitypop has a new blog, follow it! :D

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Tuesday 18 December 2012


ok for some reason animal jam started working again so ill be on again. but on a different account.

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Yes it's on the 25th of December... CHRISTMAS! :D
My brother Chris's birthday is next week too, but its on Monday! :D Yea he's a day older than me. Well technically a few minutes but we were born at midnight or what goddamn sh*t. :D Well I'm just really happy and I tend to swear a lot when I'm happy... *_* I am very sorry for that... I swear at least once every half hour... unless I'm sleeping obviously.
Well anyways, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! :D
WEEEEEEEEELL I'm quitting AJ yes I said that, on CS yes everyday, and I quit Club Penguin too around 2 years ago or some sh*t, I actually kinda gave my account to Chris, but I don't know if he ever goes on it. I think he does. If you play Club Penguin you can add him, his username is Fairly2 (don't judge, it was originally MY account so the username is kinda weird). Bye!

Have a nice holiday!

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Saturday 15 December 2012


I don't play animal jam anymore. it doesnt work on my laptop for some freaking reason but i dont care cos there are much better stuff to do in RL than animal jam. sooo yea u wont see me on aj anymore but i dont think anyone gives a damn about this and idc bout tht. bye.

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Sunday 9 December 2012

WHY? MY CLASS... WE LOST TO ANOTHER FREAKIN' CLASS IN OUR GRADE, IN TUG OF WAR!!!!! We only got SECOND place in the whole grade! *growls* I am so so so angry, because my class won the tug of war competition we had in the beginning of the year easily! I cannot believe it. Today, the first game we played, we won SO easily. The second game we lost to another class. But then we got wildcard and came back into the game, beating the class that we lost to earlier. Then in the finals, we freaking lost. Maybe because we were all tired. But still!!!?? I put my whole strength into that! I got freaking blisters all over my hand, it was literally all covered in blisters! I couldn't even pick anything up without it hurting like hell! I now officially hate the class we lost to with a passion. I even started crying. Literally. I really need a punching bag...

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Friday 7 December 2012


Hello!!! I'm super happy! Because:

1. Tomorrow is my birthday party.
2. Tomorrow after my birthday party, I'm going to a concert with a friend, and the band Titanium will perform! (note: the band Titanium, not the song, LOL!)
3. I shall get a lot of presents.
4. I shall get to show off my really really bad and fail-ish ice skating skills, ROFL! (hey, Roll On the Floor Laughing --- I'll probably roll on the ice at the skate rink, ROFL!)
5. I shall have a sleep over at my friend's place after the party. Yay!

:) So yea I am so excited and happy! I hope you superior followers are really happy today, too! Not only today, for forever and ever... lol.

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Monday 3 December 2012


Hi guys... *sniff* Today I went to the skatepark with my brother... but I stepped too hard on my skateboard and I feel over on my butt... and broke Ally (yes I named my skateboard Ally)... now my butt hurts too :(

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Saturday 1 December 2012

.no interesting title.

Hi! I went camping last night! It was really fun and my dad set up this really cool tent! He even got an inflatable bed thingy, but it took literally 1 hour to deflate again... xD
Nothing else to talk about... except I'm super excited for my bday party next saturday! :D

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Thursday 29 November 2012



It's talking about the Black Veil Bride's song 'Die For You'. Just search up the song if you want to hear it o3o

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New Blog Song...

Ok hi. I know this song that's playing on this blog is getting annoying... so I'm gonna change it...

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Guess what... I'm having a birthday party next week! It's gonna be so awesome because I invited like more than half of my class, AND... we're gonna go ice-skating! Yes I am aware that I suck at it, but who cares; I'll just see how many times I can fall over! xD JK.

But anyways, I'm just so happy... well should I say I WAS happy until someone that is my 'friend' kinda ruined it a bit. But... she should've known better than to mess with me. Mwahaha. I have a LOT of pranks coming her way... one already done; I gave her a piece of food that I stomped on, on the floor of a toilet cubicle at school. Don't worry she won't get food poisoning because I only stomped on it once, I was wearing clean sneakers, and the floor was clean. And it happened around a month ago. Yes she was mean to me before. And she gave away my best-friend-that-is-a-girl (uh what I mean is that my actual BFF is a guy)'s secret. .o.

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Monday 26 November 2012


Guess what? xD
Last night, I went to bed late but before I did, I put my brother's toothbrush in a cup of water and put it in the freezer! xD When he woke up in the morning, he had to wait for like 10 hours (I'm exaggerating) for it to melt, so he could brush his teeth! He was so annoyed! I did get to school late, but I only just arrived as the bell rang.

Also, I put on some glow in the dark nail polish :D I put it on at my friend's house on Saturday, and I didn't know it was glow in the dark until last last night. Seriously! I was just reading on my iPod in bed, and when I turned it off my fingernails were like glowing, and I was freaked out until I remembered the nail polish thingy. It's clear though, so I didn't get into trouble at school. c:

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Thursday 22 November 2012


Sup guys, I'm in a super happy mood today! This super cool school band from another city came! I think they're like grade 8/9/something. But they were just AWESOME! I was literally crying tears of joy! *SNIFF*
When we came out of our school hall thing, my friend and I were like crying of happiness; me because they sounded so awesome, and the guitarists were really really good; her because.. the lead singer was.. hot? xD idk, didn't see their faces properly. But I was really happy...

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Wednesday 21 November 2012


Hi! Sorry for not posting in like 2 days, I had no internet! I had to go to my cousin's house to do homework... on Monday I went to his house and I had to sleep on the floor of his room (ouch!) because he would probably kick me out of the bed or squish me to death without realizing anyways, because he's a REALLY heavy sleeper. And he's 25 years old so he's, um, a bit big because the bed can only fit him. You could probably pull haul him out of the bed and throw him outside without him waking up... xD

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Saturday 17 November 2012

Stuff I Drew

HIYAAAAAAAA! I drew these 2 random pictures! :DDDDD
On paper of course :DDDDD and I took a pix of it of course :DDDDDDDDDD

I know for the second one I messed up a bit around it's butt, but who cares :P
The second one was purely just a random test.

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Song of the Week

SOOO every week there will be a song of the week, I will put a pic of it on the side, and there will be a page for it on the top. This week's song is:

We All Are - Late Nyte Hype

Cool too, because this band is from New Zealand! :D

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Wednesday 14 November 2012


IK, weird title xD
I shall tell you about 2 very... dramatic days of my life, yesterday, and the day before yesterday.

The day before yesterday:
It was okaaaay... until after 12', there was a huge storm. Not like as huge as Sandy obviously, but like... a big storm. With all the dramatic thunder and lightning effects. Well so there was thunder, and it was like... REALLY loud! And the lights went out (I was at school)! And I had no internet for like the whole day.

[something happened, but I forgot :P soz]


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Sunday 11 November 2012


It is I, Looooooorrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just need to inform you of something. Sooo one of my friends and I are doing this tour thing for visitors at our school, and it's on a Saturday. So he sometimes goes on AJ too, and we were just talking about the tour thing and what time it is and stuff blah blah blah... well we call it 'DATing' (not like dating like dating you know on a date) it means 'Doing A Tour' something like that blah, and he said something like "so are we datin' right?" but it's actually you know like doing the tour, not actually 'dating'. Just saying, because after he said that, people were just like "huh?" and stuff.
Ok so anyways my brother is being an idiot lately... yea. Bye!

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Friday 9 November 2012


Hey guys! I got these egg stuff from another site, and they're at the bottom of this blog, like, at the bottom of this page. Please click them, and when the other site shows up, feed them! You can click previous creature/next creature to feed and click them without having to keep coming back... Please click for me! :D Thanks!
Also, the site is

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Monday 5 November 2012


Hi! I just wanna show you a picture of a Pomeranian I looked after while his owner was on vacation.



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Story Blog

I got a story blog:

Please follow and read the current story I'm writing:

The Wilderness of Wolves - True Heart

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Okaaaaay so, I'm really hyper today! My friend asked me if I was like, on drugs or something >.< obviously not.
Well so yesterday my mom brought home this packet of cookies. YAY!!! She only let me eat one. NOOO!!!! But I begged her for like 5 hours (not literally) and she let me have another one. YAY!!!! Then I got addicted to the cookies and I stole like half the packet from the cupboard... hehe...

And... since we moved into our other house (we had 2 houses, we sold one) to live there until we get another new house, my dad set up a bunk bed! :D It's only temporary, so my brother is sleeping with me. On different bunks of course. Well I couldn't decide between the top bunk and the bottom bunk, the top... well... I can look down at my brother and laugh at him, and it's fun to be so high up, and well I sorta like climbing up ladders... but the bottom bed, it's wider, and heck, it's softer! I really couldn't decide, my brother wanted the top bunk, I told him to fudge off and go sleep on the bottom, and he finally agreed, but then I realized the bottom was more comfortable, so I told him to sleep on the top bunk, and he was like "No the bottom's mine!" and after 10 minutes he said "Ok then I'll take the top" but I wanted the top again SOOOOOOOOO.... we're gonna swap beds each week... sounds lame, but yea. So I get the top bed this week.

Also I have to do this horrible maths homework and I don't understand anything in it, and my brother's depending on me to give him the answers... of course I won't but I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THIS THING MYSELF! D:
Oh well, I'll just tell my maths teacher (shes so addicted to maths even the tshirts she wears have maths problems on them, seriously for real.) that I didn't understand any of the 'Monthly Incomes/Transaction' banking stuff she told us to do. :P too bad for her. But I seriously don't understand any of that stuff, so I'm not lying either.

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Wednesday 31 October 2012


Hey, I got a sig!
You can probably tell already, but it's made with

Like it? Hate it? Does it look okay?

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I'm in a really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really good mood today! Why... because...

Why I am in a great mood today:
1. It was sports day at school today, and we went to this super cool arena.
2. I got 1st place in Discus at the sport thingy.
3. It's my best friend's birthday.
4. It's one of my other friend's birthday.
5. It's halloween.
6. I brought a huge cookie at the sports arena shop. Chocolate chip. It was so yummy!
7. I went trick or treating with my friends.
8. I got a lot of candy.
9. My brother got more candy than me (sadly) but he 'gave' me some (I stole some off him).
10. I got to dress up as an emo.
11. I'm just really hyper today.

There is a lot of other reasons, but I dun remember all of them.
:D I'm so happy today.

Ok so this song today, is dedicated to my friend who hates heavy metal who's brother loves it and listens to it all day.

Fire - Sleeping With Sirens
I don't own this video or song.

Monday 29 October 2012


Hi! Here are the songs of the day! :D

Ritual - BVB
[I DUN OWN DIS SONG (The Blood Veil Brides do) I DUN OWN DIS VIDEO (whoever made it does)]


'kay, now for another absolutely TIGGERIFIC song;

The Wonderful Things About Tiggers!
[I do not own this song or this video. Disney owns this song.]

Yea, Tiggers are awesome! ;) Tiggerkat

Saturday 27 October 2012


A lot of people have storms coming their ways! D:
Even though I have like no idea who they are and they probably don't even know this blog, I just wanna hope they stay safe, because accidents are gonna happen. God, if this was me, I would be totally scared, probably running around my room panicking or stuffing my face full of food.
Also, Nightflame appointed me with the duty of looking after her Chicken Smoothie account. :)
So yea. Song for today is:

Knives and Pens - Black Veil Brides
Just remember... I don't own this (obviously not), but I'm still saying this, just don't sue me.
I LOVE this song! You might not, for whatever reason, but seriously to me, this is like, one of the best songs ever. You just have to understand Screamo/Emo/Heavy Metal...
And if you wanna know, yea, BVB IS AWESOME!


Hi... I cut my hair... it's an emo-ish sideswept now... I cut it myself! x3 
Seriously, I was like freaking out, and I'm not even close to being a hairdresser, so I only cut like 4 cm or something off. BLAME MY BROTHER! Yea. Blame him! xD Jokes. But it was kinda his fault because he suggested it first. -_- I'm dead if my mom finds out... but lucky it's halloween soon, and I told my mom I would dress up as an emo. I wonder if I could go get more emoness in a hair salon soon... maybe dye my hair rainbow... nah. I'll probably just get some streaks in my hair and get it cut. I have black hair, so I guess it would be easier to look like an emo. :\
Why am I talking about hair? x3
Ok I'll just talk about t-shirts then. WAH. I want a band shirt (oops, at first I forgot to add the 'r' for 'shirt', and that spells... 'sh......' nvm)! Guess what, they don't even have Hot Topic in New Zealand! D: Are you kidding me? The only way to buy a band shirt is from the internet! And I don't wanna get it shipped over... it's gonna take infinity weeks, just for a little shirt! And what if I get the wrong size? ARGH! I want a band t-shirt... so much... to complete my 'emo look'! *SIGH*
Well bye...


Hi. I got a sig... and I hope it works... :\
Also, I'm emo! :D
LOL, I meant emo as in music. Ok what I really mean is that I really like heavy metal and rock music. And I dress as an emo. But I don't cut. :P
Anyways, I just hope this signature works...
Bye for now! ;)



Hey people... who probably don't even read this blog......
I have like nothing to post about, so I'll just show ya this song! :)
It's awesome (in my opinion)! Yes; it's heavy metal/rock, yes; it's BVB, and yes; it's one of my most favorite songs.

So get ready for...

Rebel Love Song - Black Veil Brides

I do not own this video.

Yea, I <3 BVB! ;)

P.S. I'm gonna post a lot of songs I like! :)
P.P.S. How do you like my blog this way? :D
P.P.P.S. I was gonna say something else but I forgot... ;)
P.P.P.P.S. I like smileys! :3
P.P.P.P.P.S. Oh I remember what I was about to say; I got some music for this blog, it's Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides. :] "We are the fallen angels!!!"

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Bonjour! I'm gonna practice my super french skills! :D
Okay I admit I'm not that good at french but I do know some basic french! And along with a little help of Google Translate I shall speak in Français:

*clears throat*

bonjour ! Je m'appelle Loraine . Je préférée couleur est le bleu ! Mon jour préféré est vendredi .

Yep. That's about all I remember... Bc I lost my french book! Oh and I know the numbers too...



Hello! I'm writing a story, Howls on a Full Moon, just try to guess what it's about, 'kay? Lol. You can read it from that 'Story' tab. Please read it! Thanks!


Hi! I've decided to start a blog! :)
I started playing on Animal Jam at around the middle of last year, but I quit... until Nightflame showed me her blog! I then made a new account since I forgot my old one, and AJ sure has changed a heck! xD
So here I am, sitting in front of my Mac laptop, trying to figure out what to do... haha. I love writing, so I guess I'll write a few stories. What else... if you're visiting this blog, tell me some tips, I'm a n00b [beware: use of nerd language] when it comes to blogging... xD