
Wednesday 27 February 2013


Hi! I just wanted to show you guys how to put SoundCloud songs onto your blog! :D

Since I have no space on my laptop to make a video, I will show you right here with pictures instead!

First, open up Blogger on one tab of your browser and on another:

Then find the song you want on SoundCloud and click 'share':

On the thing that pops up, click 'edit widget' (the pencil thing) next to the widget code:

Customize your player thing, change it's colour, whatever:

Click 'Flash' to get a different looking player:

You can also check/uncheck the 'play automatically', 'show artwork', and blah blah boxes if you like.

Now copy the widget code on the tab of the type of player you want (flash or HTML5):

Go to the 'layout' thing on Blogger, click the 'add a gadget' where you want the player to go, and choose 'HTML/JavaScript'. Then of course, paste the widget code in. And add a title if you like. You probably know this part but still:

Then finally, hit save and check it out! If it doesn't work, just ask me and I'll try to help. :)

Ok well I hope that helped, my new SoundCloud song thing I embedded into my blog is at the bottom of the page, just scroll down and you'll see it! ;)

✌zǝıɯoɥ ʇno ǝɔɐǝԀ☮

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Sunday 24 February 2013

Some of LP's songs!

Herro. I shall show you guyses some of Linkin Park's songs! Linkin Park isn't my favourite band, btw.

In The End


obviously I dont own these vids, i got them from Youtube.

And I also want to post a video I took from the LP concert, I videoed it on my iPod and transferred it onto my laptop but when I try to post it, a thing always comes up saying 'we are sorry but there was an error while uploading your video'. I've tried a bunch of times, but it always says that.
The video is 1 minute and 49 seconds long, is it too long or something? SOMEBODAY HEEELP MOI

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Thursday 21 February 2013


Yes, I went to LP's concert last night, and it was AWESOME! Awesome is an understatement, actually, it was like the best night ever!!!

Well it kinda sucked because this old guy with a huge white afro was sitting in front of me, so when I was taking pics or videoing I had to reach up really high or else his head would get in the way. -_-

Videoed with my ipod. Ill put up the best vid when i get the chance.

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Saturday 16 February 2013

Happy late valentines!

Hi guys, happy late V day! Did anyone get any chocolates or cards or roses or whatever?
Yesterday was a exciting day... (note the sarcasm) in the morning I just did a bunch of homework, in the afternoon my bro and I were just sitting in a car park (<--british ...american-->parking lot?) drinking black current juice... we were just sittin dere doing nothin. The only really like exciting thing that happened yesterday was probably at night when I was just drinking pepsi (i wanted coke tho...) and eating chocolate chip cookies. its a great combination... sorta...

Well I basically did nothing yesterday, what did you guyses do yesterday?

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Tuesday 12 February 2013

High school ;D

heyo! I'm going to high school or college how you call it where i am, next year! there are 8 houses though, and you generally just work in your house group only, at the school im going to. My best friend already knows which house hes going to because his sister was in that house. I wanna be in that house too! (just call that house 'X' for now)
Because X is the best house there, and my friends are gonna be there. no offense, but almost all the other houses suck. There is like only one other house i would tolerate being in. Seriously, I NEED TO GET INTO X! BLARAHBRALHRLBALRH the house colour is black the mascot is a black panther BLAHRBLAHRALRHABLAH blah. Hmph. Me needs to get into it.

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Friday 8 February 2013

ipad minis!

hey guys im so happy guess what i got a new ipad mini! mines white and my brother got a black one. :D its so awesome any tiny! i also got an orange cover and my bro got a blue cover.. mine looks prettier. xD if i can ill show a picture maybe later

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Monday 4 February 2013


YAY! LINKIN PARK IS COMING TO NEW ZEALAND!! :DDD I love Linkin Park! They have a concert on 21 Feb! I wanna go so much, I would cry a river if my mom doesn't let me! Not literally. But yeah, I would be super depressed if I wasn't allowed to go. I REALLY want to go, but it's on a Thursday night till bout 12 am, and I have school the next day... screw school, I would totally miss it to go to LP's concert! My mom might not let me though... :( Well I'll ask her when she comes back from work, so wish me luck! I will probably crawl under my bed and die if I can't go... ;n;

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