
Thursday 29 November 2012



It's talking about the Black Veil Bride's song 'Die For You'. Just search up the song if you want to hear it o3o

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New Blog Song...

Ok hi. I know this song that's playing on this blog is getting annoying... so I'm gonna change it...

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Guess what... I'm having a birthday party next week! It's gonna be so awesome because I invited like more than half of my class, AND... we're gonna go ice-skating! Yes I am aware that I suck at it, but who cares; I'll just see how many times I can fall over! xD JK.

But anyways, I'm just so happy... well should I say I WAS happy until someone that is my 'friend' kinda ruined it a bit. But... she should've known better than to mess with me. Mwahaha. I have a LOT of pranks coming her way... one already done; I gave her a piece of food that I stomped on, on the floor of a toilet cubicle at school. Don't worry she won't get food poisoning because I only stomped on it once, I was wearing clean sneakers, and the floor was clean. And it happened around a month ago. Yes she was mean to me before. And she gave away my best-friend-that-is-a-girl (uh what I mean is that my actual BFF is a guy)'s secret. .o.

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Monday 26 November 2012


Guess what? xD
Last night, I went to bed late but before I did, I put my brother's toothbrush in a cup of water and put it in the freezer! xD When he woke up in the morning, he had to wait for like 10 hours (I'm exaggerating) for it to melt, so he could brush his teeth! He was so annoyed! I did get to school late, but I only just arrived as the bell rang.

Also, I put on some glow in the dark nail polish :D I put it on at my friend's house on Saturday, and I didn't know it was glow in the dark until last last night. Seriously! I was just reading on my iPod in bed, and when I turned it off my fingernails were like glowing, and I was freaked out until I remembered the nail polish thingy. It's clear though, so I didn't get into trouble at school. c:

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Thursday 22 November 2012


Sup guys, I'm in a super happy mood today! This super cool school band from another city came! I think they're like grade 8/9/something. But they were just AWESOME! I was literally crying tears of joy! *SNIFF*
When we came out of our school hall thing, my friend and I were like crying of happiness; me because they sounded so awesome, and the guitarists were really really good; her because.. the lead singer was.. hot? xD idk, didn't see their faces properly. But I was really happy...

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Wednesday 21 November 2012


Hi! Sorry for not posting in like 2 days, I had no internet! I had to go to my cousin's house to do homework... on Monday I went to his house and I had to sleep on the floor of his room (ouch!) because he would probably kick me out of the bed or squish me to death without realizing anyways, because he's a REALLY heavy sleeper. And he's 25 years old so he's, um, a bit big because the bed can only fit him. You could probably pull haul him out of the bed and throw him outside without him waking up... xD

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Saturday 17 November 2012

Stuff I Drew

HIYAAAAAAAA! I drew these 2 random pictures! :DDDDD
On paper of course :DDDDD and I took a pix of it of course :DDDDDDDDDD

I know for the second one I messed up a bit around it's butt, but who cares :P
The second one was purely just a random test.

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Song of the Week

SOOO every week there will be a song of the week, I will put a pic of it on the side, and there will be a page for it on the top. This week's song is:

We All Are - Late Nyte Hype

Cool too, because this band is from New Zealand! :D

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Wednesday 14 November 2012


IK, weird title xD
I shall tell you about 2 very... dramatic days of my life, yesterday, and the day before yesterday.

The day before yesterday:
It was okaaaay... until after 12', there was a huge storm. Not like as huge as Sandy obviously, but like... a big storm. With all the dramatic thunder and lightning effects. Well so there was thunder, and it was like... REALLY loud! And the lights went out (I was at school)! And I had no internet for like the whole day.

[something happened, but I forgot :P soz]


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Sunday 11 November 2012


It is I, Looooooorrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just need to inform you of something. Sooo one of my friends and I are doing this tour thing for visitors at our school, and it's on a Saturday. So he sometimes goes on AJ too, and we were just talking about the tour thing and what time it is and stuff blah blah blah... well we call it 'DATing' (not like dating like dating you know on a date) it means 'Doing A Tour' something like that blah, and he said something like "so are we datin' right?" but it's actually you know like doing the tour, not actually 'dating'. Just saying, because after he said that, people were just like "huh?" and stuff.
Ok so anyways my brother is being an idiot lately... yea. Bye!

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Friday 9 November 2012


Hey guys! I got these egg stuff from another site, and they're at the bottom of this blog, like, at the bottom of this page. Please click them, and when the other site shows up, feed them! You can click previous creature/next creature to feed and click them without having to keep coming back... Please click for me! :D Thanks!
Also, the site is

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Monday 5 November 2012


Hi! I just wanna show you a picture of a Pomeranian I looked after while his owner was on vacation.



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Story Blog

I got a story blog:

Please follow and read the current story I'm writing:

The Wilderness of Wolves - True Heart

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Okaaaaay so, I'm really hyper today! My friend asked me if I was like, on drugs or something >.< obviously not.
Well so yesterday my mom brought home this packet of cookies. YAY!!! She only let me eat one. NOOO!!!! But I begged her for like 5 hours (not literally) and she let me have another one. YAY!!!! Then I got addicted to the cookies and I stole like half the packet from the cupboard... hehe...

And... since we moved into our other house (we had 2 houses, we sold one) to live there until we get another new house, my dad set up a bunk bed! :D It's only temporary, so my brother is sleeping with me. On different bunks of course. Well I couldn't decide between the top bunk and the bottom bunk, the top... well... I can look down at my brother and laugh at him, and it's fun to be so high up, and well I sorta like climbing up ladders... but the bottom bed, it's wider, and heck, it's softer! I really couldn't decide, my brother wanted the top bunk, I told him to fudge off and go sleep on the bottom, and he finally agreed, but then I realized the bottom was more comfortable, so I told him to sleep on the top bunk, and he was like "No the bottom's mine!" and after 10 minutes he said "Ok then I'll take the top" but I wanted the top again SOOOOOOOOO.... we're gonna swap beds each week... sounds lame, but yea. So I get the top bed this week.

Also I have to do this horrible maths homework and I don't understand anything in it, and my brother's depending on me to give him the answers... of course I won't but I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THIS THING MYSELF! D:
Oh well, I'll just tell my maths teacher (shes so addicted to maths even the tshirts she wears have maths problems on them, seriously for real.) that I didn't understand any of the 'Monthly Incomes/Transaction' banking stuff she told us to do. :P too bad for her. But I seriously don't understand any of that stuff, so I'm not lying either.

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